Monday 25 May 2009

Dear Blog, It's been a beautiful weekend, we finished putting up the polytunnel today. Didn't realise it would take two days to put up! It's 10 ft wide and 20 ft long and it's all ready for my cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and melons that are growing in the conservatory.

Today I've done lots of weeding, transplanted leeks, spinach and fennel and sown french beans, lettuce, radish and spring onions.

The hoe is truly the gardener's most useful tool - but I think my little cultivator comes a close second!

Also planted busy lizzie plants everywhere which has brightened up the garden.

Found a great tit nest in a hollow concrete block half covered by a tile - there's a beautiful ready- made bird box ten feet above it, safe from cats - why choose a nest on the ground? Blue tits are busy feeding babies in the next box on the end of the washing line pole. The lapwings are busy in the field - I love to hear there pee-wee-it calls when I'm gardening. The swallows are back, swooping over the fields.

Well time for a well-earned rest and my book. Back soon

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